portrait #04: Sascha
name: sascha henrichs
age: 26
team member since: 1999
project history: gothic
indian name that fits:
bogiwambo (he-who-has-hair-like-ropes)
look at mug more closely
What's your job at Piranha Bytes?
I'm a 3D and 2D artist. I'm not doing any artwork on the 2D sector, however, just textures.
You're one of the few Piranhas who have a time-consuming job as well as a wife and kid. How do you handle this?
I'm just doing it, and I'm not getting much sleep. The main consequence: I'm working less overtime.
If you had to give your life a fun rating, what would it be?
I'd split it... and credit the private sector with 25%, the work sector with 50%. The private sector doesn't come off this well because we have very little time for ourselves now that our daughter Sophia is here.
What are you doing in your spare time?
When I have the time I'm playing Heroes of Might and Magic IV for about half an hour before I go to bed.
I'd like to make more music, however, play bass and record my own songs.
What about ideas for new levels? Does reality inspire you, or are you giving your fancy full scope when creating scenarios?
Both. my ideas usually have their sources in reality, but most good scenes consist of a string of clich�s... i.e., I borrow the parts which I believe will describe a scene best from reality, then I create an overall picture from them.
If you could build the world you're living in from scratch, what would it look like?
Oh, I'm pretty happy here.
I'm content with building the Gothic II world instead. It would be far too much work to create a complete world. Besides, I've already settled in...
How did you come to be a game developer?
Horst sold me an old computer, and he suggested I should take up 3D modelling so I might - perhaps - be able to join Piranha Bytes. Well, I did take up 3D modelling, and one day Horst asked me if I wanted to join.
Which sceanrio would you choose for a computer game if we were forced to develop a game other than Gothic?
I always thought Science Fiction was a great thing, but if you think of it the design of most Science Fiction games consists of spacy fantasy monsters and -levels, or smooth metal walls. But I think you can create something great from each and every scenario if you take a sensible approach. You don't have to tie yourself down... it depends on where you put your main focus. For example, in a SciFi scenario the emphasis might be on animated level design (moving machine parts, swinging cables etc.) while you could make the world's prettiest grass borders and meadows in a fantasy setting.
(The Gothic II vegetation is pretty nice! Good job, Sascha. - KaiRo)
well, I borrowed Carsten's ab-shaper because my wife and me wanted to work out a bit. We managed to work out on a daily base for about a week, then we forgot about it. In former times I used to ride my bicycle. I own a groovy bike, a Hot-Chili-X-Rage. Unfortunately I don't find the time to ride it nowadays.
When have you been to the hairdresser for the last time?
When I was 14... make that 12 years.
Is there a quotation (e.g. from a movie) that you frequently use?
I had something ready because I knew you'd ask this question. But now I forgot it...
*ponders for a while...*
Ah, here we go.
"Don't think, give."
(Helge Schneider in "Texas")
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