© by Pluto 13 GmbH, Germany
latest update: 04-02-2004

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previews & reviews

Here's a list of some previews and reviews we stumbled across on the internet. found one that's not on the list yet? please contact me: webmaster.neu33@piranha-bytes.com.



04-02-04 - RPGDot.com (96% + Platinum Award) ROGDot
03-29-04 - The Underdogs (9.12 of 10 avg. rating) The Underdogs
02-23-04 - wargamer.com (Reader's choice 2003 Award)) wargamer.com
01-05-04 - Worthplaying (rating: 8 of 10) Worthplaying
12-29-03 - Warcry (rating: no score) Warcry
12-03-03 - Gamerz Edge (rating: 6.5 of 10) Gamers Edge
11-29-03 - GameZone (rating: 8 of 10) GameZone
11-26-03 - GameSpy: (rating: 2 of 5 :-( ) GameSpy
11-26-03 - Loaded Inc (rating: 8.5 of 10) Loaded Inc
11-17-03 - GameSpot (rating: 8.1 of 10) GameSpot
11-11-03 - PC.IGN (rating: 8 of 10) PC.IGN
10-29-03 - just-rpg.com (rating: 97%) just-rpg.com
01-18-03 - Evil Avatar (rating: 8.9 of 10) Evil Avatar


01-17-03 - Games Agent (rating: 92% + gold award) Games Agent
01-09-03 - GamingNewZ (rating: 90%) gamingnewz
01-09-03 - GBase (rating: 92% + award) gbase.ch
01-09-03 - KnowHow2Play (rating: 93% + award) knowhow2play
01-09-03 - SpieleFlut (rating: 92%) spieleflut.de
01-09-03 - raffs.de (rating: 90%) raffs.de
01-09-03 - GamingXP (rating: 91%) gamingxp.com
01-09-03 - Sturmwolf (positive summary, no rating) sturmwolf.de
01-09-03 - YiYa (rating: A yiya.de
01-09-03 - GamesCheck (rating: 95%) gamescheck.de
01-09-03 - PC Games Portal (rating: 91%) pcgamesportal
28-28-02 - Daddeltreff (rating: 90%) daddeltreff.de
28-28-02 - Sturmwolf (best pc rpg 2002) sturmwolf.de
12-12-02 - Gamigo.de (rating: 92% + awards) gamigo.de
12-09-02 - GameUp Network (rating: 6 of 6) GameUp Net.
12-09-02 - GameSurf (rating: 88% + award) GameSurf
12-09-02 - GameZone (rating: 8,8 of 10 + silver award) GameZone
12-03-02 - Daddelnews (rating: 90% + award) daddelnews.de
12-03-02 - WithinGames (rating: 94%) WITHINgames
11-29-02 - 4Players (rating: 89%) 4Players.de
11-29-02 - Gamesweb.com (rating: 92% - game of the week) Gamesweb.com

previews and other stuff


01-29-03 - Gothic II Preview at videogamenews.com VideoGameNews
08-28-02 - Interview with KaiRo and Stefan Berger HomeLAN Fed
08-19-02 - Making-Of-Interview and exclusive images 3dfestival.com
08-19-02 - Gothic II preview epiGamer.com
08-13-02 - Another interview with Stefan and KaiRo gamersclick.com
08-06-02 - Interview with Stefan Berger and KaiRo GamersHell
06-10-02 - PB revs up for highly anticipated G2 release CG Channel
06-06-02 - Interview with game designer Michael Hoge RPGDot.com
05-27-02 - PC NEWS E3: Gothic II preshow report GameSpot
05-26-02 - Gothic II unleashed DailyTeleFrag
05-26-02 - Gothic II by Piranha Bytes - first look BonusWeb
05-26-02 - E3 Award 'best fantasy RPG' f�r Gothic II RPGDot.com


11-15-02 - Preview II: 4Players 4Players.de
11-08-02 - 'Game Of The Week' at GamesWeb GamesWeb.com
11-01-02 - Preview at KnowHow2Play.de KnowHow2Play
10-18-02 - Interview at Daddelnews.de daddelnews.de
10-17-02 - Yet another preview at WithinGames WithinGames
10-11-02 - Preview: GameSurf Gamesurf
10-11-02 - Preview: Gamigo Gamigo
10-11-02 - Preview: 4Players 4Players
10-02-02 - t-online.de about gothic II t-online.de
09-20-02 - New Screenshots at GameStar.de GameStar.de
09-17-02 - GIGA.de about the 'making of' section giga.de
09-13-02 - we visited german mag 'pc games' PC Games
08-28-02 - Readers' reviews on Gothic I PC Games
08-28-02 - Interview with KaiRo IntruX.net
08-23-02 - Gothic II Preview & excl. Screenshots pcgames.de
08-22-02 - Gothic II Preview daddeln.de
08-13-02 - Gothic II Preview PC Games Portal
08-06-02 - GBASE Interview GBASE.ch
08-06-02 - Gothic II Preview (they payed us a visit!) GBASE.ch
07-23-02 - Gothic II Preview ProGamerz.com
06-19-02 - Gothic II Preview (and some new shots) krawall.de
06-05-02 - Two exclusive screenshots daddeln.de
06-01-02 - Brandnew Gothic II shots and brief article PC Games
06-01-02 - One exclusive screenshot GIGA.DE
05-31-02 - Two exklusive shots & info about trailer WorldOfGothic
05-31-02 - Announcement of E3 video & exclusive shots GamesWeb
05-30-02 - E3 interview with Stefan Berger (JoWood) GIGA.DE
05-30-02 - Short video about Gothic II on german TV WorldOfGothic
05-27-02 - Interview with Tom Putzki in a german mag PC Games
05-26-02 - E3 report about Gothic II GamesWeb
05-22-02 - Gothic II Preview Power Gamez

- random screenshot -

- gothic II forum -

we were thinking about offering an unofficial forum, but obviously the busy lizzies of our publisher JoWood and our supporters at RPGDot.com and world of gothic were much faster. since their community sections are very well-attended, we forego an unofficial forum and present you the links to their forum pages:

WorldOfGothic (german)

webpage created by Pluto 13 gmbh.