panorama screenshots

you've seen the gothic II screenshots and want to jump straight into the new gaming world? our new panorama screenshots allow you to take a peek at the world right now :-).

khorinis traders' pub
this burgeois pub is pretty empty during the day... but in the evening it's teeming with town notables and other VIPs!
(okay, you got us there. it's just a lame excuse... the patrons haven't been done yet, but they'll be inserted soon :-)

on his way to town
canthar the trader is taking a little break before he'll be travelling on to the nearest town.

the area around xardas' tower
you will surely remember this tower. it is the home of xardas, whom you already visited in gothic I. but the land around looks strangely different...

the monastery
the fire mages' monastery is one of the gothic 2 main locations. the god innos is worshipped here.
- random screenshot -
- gothic II forum -
we were thinking about offering an unofficial forum, but obviously the busy lizzies of our publisher JoWood and our supporters at RPGDot.com and world of gothic were much faster. since their community sections are very well-attended, we forego an unofficial forum and present you the links to their forum pages:
WorldOfGothic (german)